Have States With Lockdown Protests Been Hit Harder By Unemployment?
About 26.5 million Americans have filed for unemployment over the past five weeks, the same number you would get if you added up the initial-claims numbers from March 14 going back to Nov. 25 … of 2017.Just to put all of this further in perspective: If the total U.S. labor force is 163 million strong, at least 16 percent of it has now lost a job since mid-March.
Perhaps that explains some of why we’re beginning to see backlash against the full stay-at-home orders that have been enacted in 42 states and the District of Columbia as a means of slowing the coronavirus’s spread.As the job-loss numbers continue to pile up over the coming weeks, we may see even more people pile out of their houses to argue against the coronavirus stay-at-home orders.