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How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence ― 6 Essentials

Source: Psychology Today

Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI) can be defined as the ability to understand, manage, and effectively express one’s own feelings, as well as engage and navigate successfully with those of others. According to Talent Smart, 90% of high performers at the work place possess high EQ, while 80% of low performers have low EQ.

1.  The Ability to Reduce Negative Emotions:Perhaps no aspect of EQ is more important than our ability to effectively manage our own negative emotions, so they don’t overwhelm us and affect our judgment.

2.  The Ability to Stay Cool and Manage Stress: Most of us experience some level of stress in life. How we handle stressful situations can make the difference between being assertive versus reactive, and poised versus frazzled.

3.  The Ability to Be Assertive and Express Difficult Emotions When Necessary: There are times in all of our lives when it’s important to set our boundaries appropriately, so people know where we stand.

4.  The Ability to Stay Proactive, Not Reactive in the Face of a Difficult Person:Most of us encounter unreasonable people in our lives. We may be “stuck” with a difficult individual at work or at home. It’s easy to let a challenging person affect us and ruin our day.

5.  The Ability to Bounce Back from Adversity:With every challenging situation we encounter, ask questions such as “What is the lesson here?” “How can I learn from this experience?” “What is most important now?”

6.  The Ability to Express Intimate Emotions in Close, Personal Relationships:The ability to effectively express and validate tender, loving emotions is essential to maintaining close personal relationships.

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