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How to Prevent Others From Interrupting Your Productivity


Excuse Me, I’m Working Here…

One of the top cited sources of non-productivity in the workplace is interruptions.

Disorganized and noisy workplaces don’t make for productive teams.

In the name of teamwork, cost-savings, and openness, companies setup workspaces that actually encourage interruptions.

“Many companies set themselves up for failure by creating work environments that are counter-productive. 

Small cubicles, open meeting rooms, a limited offices may provide a team-like atmosphere…

But, they don’t lead to completed work or productive workers.”

Despite good intentions of team-friendly environments, many companies end up with chaos looking like a battle-scene from the movie Braveheart.

While socialization and teamwork is crucial to the workforce, so is getting actual work done.

Creativity and new ideas require long periods of uninterrupted work.

Does your workplace provide areas conducive to getting work done?

Or is it contributing to your team being unproductive?

Click here to read the full article.

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